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    Chamber Update . Com

    Updates typically recorded the 1st Wednesday of Every other month (unless a holiday or conference period) and recorded at: 11AM PST | 12PM MT | 1PM CT | 2PM ET |. We will send out the recording on Twitter and via email update. 

    January 8, 2020 Update
    Video Topics
    1. (0:00) Welcome to the January 2020 Chamber Nation Update brought to you by Your Guy Friday (
    2. (0:23) The Chamber Nation Educational Summit is open for registration at  Spaces are almost completely filled, so sign up today!
    3. (0:53) First is something that has been in the system for a long time, but most people are not familiar with its usage.  This feature is where you can create a Customized Letter Template to send to individuals.  Not only can you create a custom letter template, but you can choose specifically which individuals will receive this letter.  This feature can save you so much time and also personalize your communication with others.  NOTE: It will be best if you print these letters on your own letterhead so that it is not only personalized even more, but it adds a colorful component to your letters.
    4. (11:09) Another feature that has been in our system for a while that I wanted to give a brief training on is our Broadcast Messaging System – with a Drag and Drop editor!  In addition, there are many of the Chamber Nation features built in to this Messaging System – making it easy to create exactly what you want and include information that would take a long time to manually add.  Many of you have been using the Broadcast Messaging system, but here you will learn how to create a messaging template that you can use over and over – and this, again, will end up saving you countless hours as you utilize the template for your messages.
    5. (24:34) We have a new style for the Member Directory that is aesthetically very attractive and easy for people to find exactly the information they are looking for.  There is a live, working example of this being utilized by the Jefferson County (Illinois) Chamber of Commerce.  You can see this new member directory by going to their site here:  Please NOTE: This might require an update to your website to make this new module work.  Please contact Chamber Nation Support if you need your website updated!
    6. (25:50) We also have a new style for the Calendar of Events which is also aesthetically attractive and easy to find out exactly the event information you are looking for.  Again, there is a live, working example of this on the Jefferson County (Illinois) Chamber of Commerce website here:  Again please NOTE:  This might require an update to your website to make this new module work.  Please contact Chamber Nation Support if you need your website updated. 
    7. (26:55) There is a feature available for all of your members – and that is a New Button Link added to their Marketing Landing Page for visitors to click on in order to add a Google Business Review.  The button simply says, “Review My Business” and when clicked on it takes the individual directly to the popup window from Google to enter a review and a star rating for that business.  This feature is only available for Admins to access and add for their members, but is highly recommended to do.  The reason this was built into our system is because the chamber is a representative of the community and now you have a tool to get the local community visiting your local businesses and submitting a review.  You can’t do this with a simple link, so we have worked it into a script to work the way that Google wants it done.  This is a great way for business to promote people reviewing their business. 
    8. (32:59) If things are not loading the way that you think they should be, even when you click “refresh” in your browser, then you want to make sure to clear your browser cache.  Since the way in which you clear your cache varies depending on what browser you are using and which operating system, it would take too long to run through every possible option.  But, instead, it is quite easy for you to find how to do this yourself by doing a simple google search.  I will show you how, which two specific examples here, to find these instructions.
    9.  (34:29) Keep your eyes out for more to come.  We, at Chamber Nation, are committed to continually improving the features and usability of our system.
    10. (34:47) If you are looking for more personalized and direct Consultation, setup, and training – I am able to help you with that!  Remember, support is ALWAYS free through Chamber Nation, but if you are wanting someone to help set up any part of your Chamber Nation system for you, or do a personalized training (either at your location or via screensharing), Your Guy Friday is available to help.  Feel free to contact me, Ryan Nielsen, by phone (830-431-0705), text messaging, or email ( for a free consultation to discuss your needs and how I can help.

    December 4, 2019 Update
    Video Topics
    1. (0:00) Welcome to the December 2019 Chamber Nation Update brought to you by Your Guy Friday (
    2. (0:16) The next Chamber Nation educational summit is now open for registration at
    3. (0:48) A sneak peek at the soon-to-be-released New Member Registration.  The member plans now expand to show an extended description of the plans.  In addition you can include the New Member add-ons with an expandable description which also allows members to select unique options for that specific add-on.
    4. (2:16) The event email domain feature.  This is a terrific employee benefit for your members.  If you have a member, such as Wells Fargo Bank, this new feature allows all employees who have the same email domain (such as to qualify for member pricing for events.
    5. (4:49) A couple new tabs in the New Member Database.  Chamber Nation is focused on improving system-wide usability and this is a clear example of that.  Inside the new member database, when you click on the pencil (edit) icon, there are two new tabs: 1) “Contacts” – this shows you all of this member’s CRM information that you have entered into the system;  2) “Marketing Page” – this shows you the details about the member’s TCS page.
    6. (6:08) There is a new sign in sheet for events“Version 6 – Grid View.”  This sign-in sheet has added the package name that the individuals are registered for, the amount they have paid for this event, and also shows whether or not they are a member – which provides a quick way to see if non-members are attending an event so you can easily contact them and encourage them to become a new member.
    7. (7:46) There is a new Calendar Description feature for the Calendar Format 6c Responsive calendar.  Now, on the right-hand column is a display of clickable event titles.  And, when you click on one of the titles it takes you in to the specific event information in a nice, new 2-column format.  You can see this feature in action by visiting Henderson Chamber of Commerce’s website here:
    8. (8:39) Also, if you are using the 6c Responsive calendar format, you can turn on another new feature in the configuration area which allows for a Calendar Keyword Search feature.
    9. (10:12) I want to invite you to visit  A Community eCard is a digital gift card that unites business, consumers and local merchants.  These cards will work only at businesses who belong to the chamber.  The advantage of this is that you are helping keep money in the community and encouraging commerce for your members.
    10. (12:11) If you are offering the premium membership plan to new members going forward, or if you are on the premium membership plan already, there is a new Member Welcome Packet and some new sales fliers available for you.  To access these fliers, you first go to and click on “Sales Department” on the left-hand column, and then on “Member Welcome Packet.”  You can order a customized Welcome Package that we will send to you in a PDF format that is easily printed as you need.  In addition there are three new sales fliers.  One to use with anyone who is not a chamber member, one that is for existing members if you are trying to get your current members to upgrade to premium, and one that is excellent to give to prospects.
    11. (16:02) Keep your eyes out for more to come.  We, at Chamber Nation, are committed to continually improving the features and usability of our system.
    12. (16:15) If you are looking for more personalized and direct Consultation, setup, and training – I am able to help you with that!  Remember, support is ALWAYS free through Chamber Nation, but if you are wanting someone to help set up any part of your Chamber Nation system for you, or do a personalized training (either at your location or via screensharing), Your Guy Friday is available to help.  Feel free to contact me, Ryan Nielsen, by phone (830-431-0705), text messaging, or email ( for a free consultation to discuss your needs and how I can help.

    October 2, 2019 Update
    Video Topics
    • (0:00) The next Chamber Nation educational summit is now open for registration at
    • (0.39) See the new menu updates with improved members' area for easier navigation.
    • The new member database tabs bring a whole new level of accessibility to your member data. 
    • Take a look at our new member access education page by viewing MEMBER ACCESS from Docu.Team site or by bookmarking
    • (1:32) Improved billing and custom reporting system changes for a better overall experience are now in development. 
    • (2:00) If your organization currently has our expanded member services program in place, then you want to be sure to use the new REVIEW FEATURE in your member database.
    • (3:45) How to order an expanded member (premium) build out after they are already a member (current member) since the production would not be automatically notified of this build-out.   
    • (4:35) If you have ever considered using the store module to offer things like employment posters, local or branded merchandise, chamber t-shirts with select your sizes, etc.. You might like to know the store system has recently been re-built to be mobile friendly and works great on all devices.
    • (5:09) We have recently updated our TCS center which has been renamed to the Marketing Landing Page Center. It looks much better and producing even nicer pages for your members like this
    • (5:34) You can now find the links to just the reports and views that are most important to your team and add them to your favorites area at the very top of your administrative area. This will provide very quick access to anything in your system.
    • (6:57) Easily add your calendar, new members, renewing members, daily deals, and more through the column functions in the newest broadcast messaging system.
    • There is a powerful monthly reporting tool that you may include your sponsors in when updating your members on how well the membership directory and marketing landing pages performed during the past month. This is called the Statistical Information Reporting (SIR) system. 
    • (8:05) New functionality added to the Event Registration and Calendar system to help people find your events through a traditional Internet search. We've added a new function to moreinfolib.php for outputting Google's structured data to parse events easier, One of the things that Google's data can parse are event offers, basically our packages, a price and when it is available with a link to the registration. We've added some additional code so if it has to search that event for its cheapest package and advertise that package. We've added some additional conditions like not showing restricted items and making sure it is a package that is available to the public, otherwise it will not include the offer. We also got it looking to see if there are openings for the package or if it is sold out. All of the links will send them to the landing page for that registration so it's not like they should get access to the package, but we want to be as thorough as possible. 
    • (9:10) When using the Drip Marketing system you can now add an alternate sender name and email to a given drip marketing message. This is ideal for sales reps who speak to someone and then want to send them a series of reasons to join and have them come directly from them and not the general organization.
    • (12:40) Easily see a record of all members who have been completed and included in the ROI reports. Admin Reports > Marketing Landing Page Reports > Completed Marketing Landing Page Report.
    • (13:45) Suggested coupon process changes that you may want to make at your Chamber. 
    The next Chamber Nation educational summit is now open for registration at
    (not on video) NEW NUMBER OF PAID TERMS FIELD (I have just added a new feature to keep track of the number of years that a member has had a paid membership with an organization. This differs from the standard way of using the Join Date in that it accounts for the fact that some members take time off. This feature automatically increments the count once a member has paid their dues invoice, and decrements it if the payment is voided or the invoice becomes otherwise unpaid. It accounts for multi-year terms (e.g. a 2-year member plan), but currently will not correctly handle partial year terms (e.g., monthly, quarterly, semi-annual). When the feature is activated, this field shows up on the member info screens for admins and is available in Custom Reports. Admins can edit this field, but I do not recommend them doing so since it is automatically incremented as described above. If you are an existing organization that wants to make use of this feature, please send in a ticket and we will help you with the initial setup. Please let us know if you have any questions on this, or if you have a client for whom you want to implement it.

    August 7, 2019 Chamber Nation Update
    A person is writing on a blackboard that says we are here to help
    Video Topics 

    • (1:35) How the new Calendar Summary Option works and how to activate it in your own system:
    • (3.25) How to Add Prospect Temperature Column to Member Database 
    • (5:20) Turn on New Feature to Improve Member Billing Record Functionality
    • (6:45) New Membership Database View
    • (9:25) Updated Community Mobile Apps
    • (12:45) Volunteer Management System
    • (7:26) All New Members Area
    • (15:20) How to Store Images in Gallery and Use in Event Area
    • (19:15) All New Welcome Member Packets
    • (26:00) New Member Onboarding and Review Process with Many Features and Controls
    Bonus Video with founders of Grouve.TECH
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