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When you join a Chamber of Commerce, you become part of a credible establishment.

It is a team of members growing local business and promoting the community as a whole. 

The data presented here has been commissioned and produced by Chamber Nation, courtesy of esteemed historian and author Mr. Ralph Higgins. With confidence, we assert the accuracy of this information. Feel free to utilize this content for the advancement of your Chamber of Commerce without the concern of copyright violation. All we request is a simple backlink to this source. Thank you!

Origin of the chamber concept

The concept of various businesses joining together in a mutual effort to increase commerce has its beginnings in Europe hundreds of years ago. Primarily as a defensive tactic, traders banded together for protection against common enemies and to establish policies to govern trade. This was eventually extended as a means of exerting influence on governments and legislation.

The first organization of businesses was in Marseilles, France, where the term “chamber of commerce” was first documented. This fledgling group was established by the city council in 1599. The idea caught on and spread to Germany and eventually throughout Europe.

The concept comes to America

The modern Chamber of Commerce is more of an American development. The New York State Chamber is the oldest Chamber of Commerce in America, formed in 1768 and chartered by King George III in 1770. That makes it older than the Declaration of Independence; chambers of commerce are not a new development.

Local chambers

The first local chamber was founded in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1773. This was followed by one in New Haven, Connecticut, and then another in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1800. The trend rapidly spread across the country. By 1870 there were forty local chambers of commerce in the United States. Today there are over 5,000 chambers of commerce.

The purpose of the Chamber of Commerce has evolved from simply the protection and promotion of commerce to many of the things presented on this website. The primary function of protecting commerce remains the same, but it is interesting to follow the changes and adaptations of chamber functions through the years as chambers have adjusted to the changing needs of society. Today the role of a chamber of commerce has expanded to address socioeconomic concerns and social needs, going far beyond its original intent several centuries ago.

National chamber

President William Howard Taft sent a letter to Congress in 1911 addressing the need for a “central organization “in order to “keep purely American interests in a closer touch with different phases of commercial affairs.” A few months later in 1912 the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was born.

Today the U.S. Chamber of Commerce claims a direct membership of 300,000 businesses and 3 million entities in state and local chambers. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is not the same as local and state chambers, which focus on local and state issues. The U.S. Chamber is concerned with national issues and dealings with the federal government.

International chamber

The chamber concept functions on a global scale as well. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is the largest business organization in the world. Founded in 1919, it now has hundreds of thousands of companies under its umbrella in over 130 countries. With headquarters in Paris, it keeps organizations like the United Nations and the World Trade Organization in touch with international business issues.

The primary purpose of the ICC is to promote trade and investment,and to encourage open markets for goods and services and the free flow of capital.

Chambers require free enterprise and private initiative

America as a nation stands for freedom and the chamber concept can only be found where private initiative and free enterprise exist. The Chamber of Commerce serves a function internationally, nationally and locally, with a proven record of success for the benefit of business and commerce on both the large and small scale.

Your chamber

Historically, and to this day, the Chamber of Commerce remains the most trusted source of information on local businesses and services and the most dependable ally in commerce. There is not a better partner for success than your local Chamber of Commerce.

What is a Chamber of Commerce ?

The Chamber of Commerce is an interconnected group of businesses and professionals working together to increase local commerce and to serve their communities more effectively than can be done individually. 

There is a distinct advantage in combining efforts with other like-minded businesses and applying available technology to expand your own business while increasing global awareness of your community. The more your local business community grows, the more potential there is for your own business or service.

As a business person in today’s economy, it is imperative that you apply all the tools available to you in order to succeed. Many of the tools necessary for expanding your business and reaching potential customers and clients are only available to you through your local Chamber of Commerce. 

Without the support of the Chamber, and the technology it makes available, it is much more difficult for an independent business to be successful in the turbulent economic seas prevalent today.
Prospective customers searching for reputable businesses through the internet or by traditional sources normally begin with the local Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber, in turn, can drive incoming business directly to you as a member.

Chambers of Commerce are not governmental organizations and receive no direct government funding. Each Chamber is a separate and independent entity and these individual entities are not connected by government or funding.

The Chamber exists to serve its members. It provides the resources and tools you need to maximize your success. Membership in your Chamber of Commerce can give your business a powerful edge in today's competitive market.

Remember…“The Chamber of Commerce is the most trusted source for information on local businesses and services.”

Why Should I Join the Chamber of Commerce?

Membership in the Chamber of Commerce offers many advantages which enhance business success, an edge not enjoyed by non-members. The purpose of the Chamber is to assist you as a business owner by providing valuable tools to help you grow your business.
As a Chamber member you have many business advantages including the following:

  • You are now part of a network of local businesses with similar community interests and concerns and are able to interact with like-minded business owners and professionals.
  • You are a member of a team with the goal of increasing global awareness of your community and its commerce, as well as your individual business or service. You can speak with a unified voice regarding community and business issues.
  • You have a platform from which to express opinions and offer information to the public. Through the use of available technology you can broadcast your business or service both locally and globally.
  • You have access to a public forum for community involvement, education, cultural activities, and public debate.
  • You contribute to community pride by putting the community on display, promoting activities and events that present the chamber members as vibrant and involved.
  • You have access and may contribute to the community calendar, which is used to disseminate information on community events, business meetings and items of interest to chamber members, as well as to the public.
  • You are now listed in the Chamber’s powerful business directory for easy access to other members, but primarily to members of the public who may be looking for your business or service.
  • You provide the public with a location where visitors can find information on the community and local businesses. Chamber members can utilize the headquarters for projects, business promotions, board meetings and various Chamber and business needs.
  • You have full-time representation and full-time results.
  • You have a "watchdog" protecting your interests politically and economically.
  • You have access to the only recognized business support center in the community with online selling tools to increase your sales through the internet.
  • You also have access to new technology which expands your web influence, your access to information, and your ability to communicate through the internet and the use of mobile devices. This is an important application in today's economy.

How Does the Chamber of Commerce Function?

The Chamber of Commerce is governed by a board of directors, which collects suggestions and information from the Chamber members for consideration or action.

The Board sets general policy which is implemented by the executive staff. The Board is normally charged with selecting the president or leader. The Chamber staff consists of director(s), officers, or volunteer workers who may serve with or without pay. Full- time Chamber executives and full-time staff are normally the only employees who are paid.

Here are some of the functions of your Chamber of Commerce:
  • The Chamber is designed to support your business or service.
  • The Chamber creates a legislative climate in which businesses can profit and increase employment, broadening the tax base.
  • The Chamber identifies public issues, but avoids purely partisan political issues.
  • The Chamber helps to create job opportunities through the stimulation of industrial and commercial growth.
  • The Chamber encourages the improvement of community facilities and the development of human resources.
  • The Chamber has the honor of presenting awards, acknowledging new business developments, and presenting dignitaries to the community.
  • The Chamber exists to serve its members and the public, including welcoming tourists and new members to the community.
  • The Chamber is often the mediator in disputes. This is a definite asset to the local community.
  • The Chamber is the community mail-room, disseminating business and community information.
  • The Chamber is the local fundraiser, event planner, and business promoter.
  • The Chamber has a variety of technological advantages, which are currently in use by many or on the horizon for others.
  • Modern Chambers provide members with significant promotional services and tools, which are valuable for local businesses and extremely advantageous for home based businesses.
  • Virtual business members are a growing segment of Chamber membership.

How is the Chamber the Most Trusted Source for Local Information?

The Chamber of Commerce is typically the most trusted source for local information and used a great deal by people looking to visit the area or to do business locally. This provides a built-in advantage for people who want to promote a business or an organization within the community that the Chamber of Commerce serves.
Search Engine Ranking
Most Chambers of Commerce make investments in their online presence and social networks to be sure that they are found. Since they are a Chamber of Commerce, and known as a trusted source, they rank highly on search engines. This connection is very important because people looking at a Chamber's website will also find the member businesses.
Directory Connection
Chambers of Commerce usually have a good membership directory. These directories are used as an official guide to reputable businesses and organizations. Joining the Chamber insures that you are presented properly through a trusted source.

This is a terrific benefit if you have an online business. Showing people that you are part of a Chamber helps them feel confident in doing business with you even from long distances.
Calendar Connection
Many Chambers will allow their members to post events on the Chamber calendar, which is used by thousands to find out what is going on within the community.

This popular internet service could be a successful way to promote your own venue or events.
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