The chamber nation logo is a powerful member management and growth company.


    Our Ceo found a need and filled it

    Find a Need and Fill It

    'Find a need and fill it.' The success of the American experiment can credit the application of these words for having made America the greatest country in history. Ruth Stafford Peale, wife of Rev. Norman Vincent Peale, is credited for that quote.

    The quote has a nice ring to it and it sounds simple, but there are few who can apply it effectively. Those who can are the leaders in technology, medicine, economics, science,  and all advances in these and other fields.

    Chamber Nation, under the vision and leadership of CEO Richard Scully, is a successful company that epitomizes the application of Ruth Peale's quote.

    What is Chamber Nation?

    Chamber Nation is a national company that provides tools for Chambers of Commerce to automate their workflow and economic development processes through innovative technology. Chambers need to improve membership growth and retention, which is also

    addressed in the programs. Chamber Nation is currently active in over 40 states, as well as Europe and Canada.

    With the emphasis on the word 'Commerce,' Chamber Nation provides powerful programs that promote and support chamber members, making 'Commerce' more than a meaningless tag on the Chamber designation.

    How has commerce changed?

    Technology has left traditional forms of advertising, marketing, and commerce in the dust. Newspapers, radio and other traditional sources for advertising have been replaced by Google, Amazon, and other sites on the internet.

    People go to the net to find just about everything imaginable. Local advertising is essentially imploding and the creation of a replacement is needed for local companies and community commerce.

    Enter Chamber Nation

    By working hand-in-hand with Chamber of Commerce executives, Chamber Nation has developed programs that can begin to fill the marketing void on a community level. This makes Chambers a powerful digital publishing platform for community commerce and

    business development.

    From organization automation to revolutionizing how communities successfully compete online, these techniques are presented to Chamber members by Chamber Nation on a monthly basis. With an emphasis on documenting and automating businesses for search and commerce, these concepts are revolutionizing the Chamber of Commerce industry.

    General concept

    Amazon provides an example of the Chamber Nation concept. Amazon is a hub, linking the public with companies that provide products and services, thus assisting these companies in marketing and growth. Chamber Nation has developed the technology to

    make Chambers of Commerce the hub for economic growth and support for their members in communities across America.

    Coordinating with many Chambers of Commerce leaders, Chamber Nation programs have demonstrated excellent results in communities where the programs have been activated.

    Chamber Nation provides Chambers of Commerce, merchant groups, and businesses with the technology to automate their workflow and economic development processes through innovative technology and practical applications.

    In short - Chamber Nation is the only system that incorporates everything a Chamber needs to manage, maintain, and promote a community for success.

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