The chamber nation logo is a powerful member management and growth company.


    Membership Advertising Network

    Key Benefits

    • Chamber Nation pivoted its membership directory into a revolutionary, intuitive, centralized, directory unlike any other
    • Full service advertising network for your Chamber Members
    • Documentation assistants (DocuTeam) builds a brand-positive presence for each Member

    Membership Advertising Features

    Search Engine Perfomance

    "If Amazon is all Centralized then why Not Our Own Community"

    We carefully engineered two separate but integrated networks to help Chambers of Commerce deliver amazing results to their members. One of those networks we consider traditional and is like most membership management system networks but extends a great deal further into the community. The other is built as a shopping network designed for both professionals and retailers. This network is used to help the Chamber of Commerce pivot their membership directory into something very powerful and engaging.

    The Traditional Network Includes:

    • a new member registration system
    • a website with community related information
    • a membership directory with advanced API & search capabilities
    • an events calendar with full indexing
    • an event registration & ticketing system, includes vendor registration for trade & community events
    • a members area with Member login credentials
    • a great deal of additional modules at no extra charge
    • SEO presence to dominate online presence for Members

    The Shopping Network was developed to centralize our communities, for professional services, service establishments, and retailers.  Much like iconic centralized shopping experiences such as Amazon, this Member Advertising program delivers an intuitive, engaging experience for consumers and audiences to find exactly what they are looking for in their own talent-rich community.  This revolutionary platform includes:

    • an advertising network specifically designed for both professionals and retailers
    • a community welcome center with intuitive search capabilities that deliver product and service specific results, emphasizing local community offerings.
    • a community marketplace with hundreds or thousands of products and services
    • a central location members log into to manage their advertising and/or inventory
    • a community advertising report representing each individual business and its online success
    • proven SEO & search ranking that promotes centralized products and services, thus promoting local, community shopping and commerce

    Community Advertising

    All local communities are experiencing a continuing decline of local advertising resources that are not digitally driven (periodicals, print media, radio, etc.) due to the decreasing numbers of subscribers, readers, viewers, and listeners (audience). In fact, today, most business owners  have nowhere to go to advertise locally and this is likely to get even worse as more of everything moves online.  Local radio stations, television networks, and newspapers have moved to digital advertising & programmatic marketing for their advertisers to compete in a non-analog environment, thus removing "local presence" in direct marketing.   

    Chambers of Commerce have been promoting communities for over 400 years. In fact the Chamber of Commerce industry started back in 1599. You can read about the history of the Chamber of Commerce at

    We believe the Chamber of Commerce industry is the right organization to once again lead by launching a brand new local advertising program. Since all Chambers offer a membership directory, it made logical sense that Chambers of Commerce pivot from a traditional directory to an amazing Membership Advertising Network that creates a competitive edge for product and service based businesses in their communities.


    We know from extensive research that 90% of Chamber of Commerce Members (regardless of the technology, or their technologial understanding) never even log in to complete their membership profiles and those that do typically only contribute a paragraph or two of information to their profile.   We know that their underutilization of their Chamber of Commerce benefits inhibits their ability to be competitive. 

    Members are simply overworked, overwhelmed, or feel that they don't have the time to invest into an affordable marketing solution until they first see the value! Many businesses hoped that when they joined the Chamber that their online marketing might just be taken care of for them. 

    Chamber Nation has solved the underutilization of Member benefits by building their presence one business at a time.   New and existing members will see the Chamber as an amazing resource for online local advertising, realize the power of their advertising, and appreciate the Chamber's responsiveness to their immediate needs.

    Included Business Services

    The new platform has opened a world of new opportunities for us all and we are continuing to develop these innovative programs in an ever-changing world.   We are excited to share that even more offerings will be unveiled Summer 2021. 

    Chamber Nation Members Area
    • In Many Communities The Services Shown Are Paid For by Sponsors

      The Chamber Nation program is typically offered to the local business community completely funded by sponsor companies and their membership organization, delivering an amazing community platform promoting  business growth. 

      What this means for your organization is that your community will gain a results-driven, proven advertising system at no extra cost.  It also means you will have created a competitive marketing solution for your organization to use as a tool to generate revenue for your organization. 

    • Community Advertising Program

      Each community is essentially documented for search without relying on the businesses to do the work. We studied thousands of community websites, buy local programs, deal apps, and even membership management systems. We learned that every one of those systems may have had a directory, but nearly nothing beyond that. We inquired with many leaders who are using these technologies, and nearly everyone said that their members never really log in and when they do we they are lucky to get a paragraph of information. We knew something new had to be invented and we called it the Open for Business Program.

    • Documentation Assistant

      Because local business owners and managers are so busy doing their jobs, a documentation assistant will be assigned to each business. They will handle research, documentation, onboarding, and launch. This ensures that each community is properly built and kicks off successfully.


    • Display Management

      We consider a display a single electronic advertisement.  Each advertisement is typically about a product category, product, or service offered by the business.  Each display is designed to be indexed by the major search engines and be included in the community directories, mobile applications, etc.


    • Catalogs with Checkout

      The catalogs are designed to be an organized easy-to-view collection of each business product and/or services. Most businesses are not interested in selling online because of the fees. But, by simply adding a price the display converts into a store item that people can add to the community cart. This is an amazing "Commission Free" check-out service for the business owner and perfect for economic development too.


    • Business Showcase/Trade Show Booth/Tourist Photo Booth

      Virtual shows and virtual trade events are now a part of our everyday life.  We developed a Trade Show platform into this program, which is ideal for wholesale or retail.  It can connect to your current website to facilitate online meetings, and for business expos, community fairs, or other virtual trade shows.

      Local businesses can showcase their products and services to tourists using the Tourist Photo Booth that is shared through the community welcome center or marketplace to broaden their reach and realize a new audience to promote products and services to.   


    • Mobile Web Apps

      Since mobile plays such an important role in commerce, it is important that businesses, large and small, have its own mobile app to remain competitive in the marketplace.  Chamber Nation supplies each Member with a mobile app  for additional advertising and communication outreach.    Additionally, Chamber Nation provides each community (Chamber or organization) with its own community app which showcases each Member's mobile app.   It functions as an "App of Apps" and links to other community businesses and services.


    • Custom Texting Keywords

      Instead of handing out a paper card, the business can explain that they would like to provide their electronic business card that has their products and services included.  Your members will simply share their Keyword Text with potential customers who will message the keyword to 72727 in the "to" line, which will initiate an immediate link to the app, Member contact information and more.

      Now your member can follow with potential customers, connect with prospects, or build partnerships via text message, email, or phone call.


    • Return on Investment Reports

      Chambers of Commerce and organizations are often questioned by their communities about what their leadership is doing to help the business community succeed. For this reason, we developed a powerful reporting tool that explains in great detail how each business is being promoted and delivers that report to each business owner automatically. We also provide community-wide reports so the public can also see the results of your Economic Development Program.  


    • Toss Us Stars Testimonial System

      Everyone loves great reviews!  Your Members will have the ability to gain raving reviews with our Toss Us Stars testimonial system.  Members can share their keyword text, add it to the bottom of their email, include it in their purchase checkout process, or add it to their website.  What Members really appreciate and love about this program is that they have full control over what business reviews are displayed publicly.

      Customers Simply Click the "Toss Us Stars" Button

      When customer open your Members' mobile web app or catalog they will see the button called "Toss Us Stars".   When clicked, they can choose between 1 and 5 stars and optionally enter a short comment of up to 140 characters long. This is the perfect way for business owners to get immediate feedback to a sale and to promote how wonderful their business is to potential customers.  

      Business owners will decide whether to Post the Stars or Not.   Each review is placed in the Member's dashboard and a notification is sent to Members upon receipt of a new rave to review and approve or reject public display.  

      Test it out by trying it on our testing app. Just text to the number 72727 the word CLICK. Then click the TOSS US STARS button. If you want to see reviews that were approved by the business then click on VIEW OUR STARS.


    • Community Coupon Booklet (coming soon)

      The Community Coupon Booklet is reminiscent to earlier days and an appreciated offering for retailers, brick & mortar establishments and service providers. 

      As community businesses add their own digital coupons, they will be immediately accessible through their mobile apps and catalogs. The reminiscent advertising  is that they will also be automatically added to the community coupon booklet for printing. 

      We all love digital stuff, but we really love it in a printable format to throw it in the car or our backpack for when you are out and about and like saving money or being reminded about great lunch deals, etc.

      Be sure to visit your advertising dashboard to use this great service that is COMING SOON. 


    • Electronic Business Card and Prospecting Tool

      One of the most important services that your membership provides is a way to increase your business prospect generation. For this reason each member is provided with their own texting keyword and number.

      As long as you have provided your mobile number to our team or the Chamber, then each time a person uses your texting keyword and number you will be notified right on your phone. If a mobile number is not available then this information is emailed to the member.

      So whenever you can, you'll want to be sure to advertise this texting keyword and number. Even when you meet with someone you want to ask them to please text in order to get your business card right on their phone. For a real example text to the number 72727 the word CLICK. Remember that your texting keyword and number and all of the information we will be setting up for you will be specific to your business.

      When you receive this notification it is perfect timing for you to text them back at their number that you now have. You might say something like; This is (your name) and I appreciate your interest in my company. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment please let me know. Thank You, (Your Name)

      As you can see this is a perfect way to deliver your electronic business/member card. It delivers your services catalog and even a quick way to leave a testimonial.

      Text to 72727 the word CLICK to test one out.

    • Build Your Own Ads

      You can easily create ADS YOURSELF that are indexed for the entire web, or structure your ads specifically for the community marketplace, coupon booklet, mobile app, and catalog at no extra cost!


    • Express Job Board (coming soon)

      The express job board will be offered through the community welcome center or marketplace. Applicants will be able to see all of the community jobs in one place. 

      We make it so easy for local businesses to post their job because you. or your Members will simply add the business name, job title, and the link to the job page, whether that is on Indeed, ZipRecruiter, CareerBuilder, a private website, or other platform.   There is no need to manage a complicated job board, or build repetitive job postings when you use the express job board. 


    • Advertising Classes

      The "New World" has forced every one of us to rethink our message and its delivery. Advertisers who depended on live events have turned to virtual, while those who depended on singular points of advertising such as newspaper, print, television and even radio advertising are now realizing the need for diversified marketing and the power of centralized advertising.  In this New World, the emergence of centralized advertising has proven to deliver visibility, connectivity and promotional performance for a fraction of the cost of other marketing vehicles.

      In fact with your Chamber of Commerce or membership organization it is actually free.

      Cities need centralized advertising and marketing to draw interest to their downtown districts and promote tourism. Communities turn to centralized advertising to showcase products, services, and rich talent in the local marketplace. Now, you have tapped into the best of both centralized efforts with Member Advertising. This revolutionary, timely response to the pandemic and an aging advertising system puts you in the driver's seat of delivering your powerful message on a performance-driven platform.

      We provide regularly scheduled classes to teach organizations how to be competitive in this new world.  We also provide personalized training for your organization for your Members.  You set the date and time, invite your members and we will deliver the tools they want to progress in this new marketing and advertising climate.


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