The chamber nation logo is a powerful member management and growth company.


    Syndicated Calendar

    Finally, an easy way to facilitate community event posting, display, and promotion.

    An Amazing Way to Organize Community Event Publishing, Automatically!


      "Now there is a way for the Chamber to provide calendar code to all of the organizations within their community. Once code is added to their own websites, the calendar only shows their events as they would expect. However, it also automatically includes those events on the community calendar and mobile applications."

    A calendar with a clock on top of it
    How It Works
    When you are a Chamber Nation customer there is an amazing set of community event, committee, and calendar management automation built in at no additional cost. 

    To activate the Syndicated Calendar system, you simply go into your calendar manager in your Chamber Nation system and add an event type... for example "Lions Club". 

    Once this is done, the system will produce a small bit of code that you provide to the webmaster, for example at the local Lions Club. Once added to their website, they will be able to add their events that will post on their own website as expected, but at the same time it is added to the community-wide calendar.
    Where it Publishes 
    • Organization's own Website
    • ​Chamber of Commerce Calendar
    • Syndicated Community Calendar
    • Member Traffic Catcher Websites
    • Community Mobile App
    • Multi Post to Social Networks (organization does this)
    • Included in the Member Social Network news stream
    Members Included Too
    Within the communities we serve, there is existing support for those members who would like to include their own public events in the community calendar system. 

    Members simply login and add an event at which time it also publishes to the community calendar. If they added their unique code to their own website, it will publish there too for efficient posting.
    The Results
    A powerful centralized community-wide calendar system that enables dramatic improvement in community event promotion and planning. 
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