Your business will never bring in enough revenue if people don't know about you. Most businesses don't fail because their service or product is inferior to everything else on the market. They fail because no one knows about them or they don't differentiate themselves from the competition.
But it doesn't matter how good your offerings are or how loved they could be. If people don't know about them, your business will never succeed.
Enter advertising.
Some businesses think that social media has replaced advertising.
It hasn't replaced it but it has changed it. People don't want clever taglines anymore.
But you still need to get their attention.
If you don't have the budget for Super Bowl ads (or any other major media presentation), then you'll like these budget-friendly ideas.
Social Media Paid Ads
In the beginning of social media, businesses could post and get seen. No longer. These days without engagement, only a fraction of your audience will see your posts. Even when they chose to follow you!
As dismaying as this may seem, social media paid advertising is one of the least expensive forms of advertising out there. It's not as cheap as it once was but it does have some very good targeting options that can help ensure you will reach people who are most likely in the market for your services or products.
Google Remarketing
Ever notice that item you were just checking on Amazon appears all over the Internet afterward? That's not some sort of sign. That's remarketing or retargeting. It allows you to present paid ads to people who have already shown an interest in your site. Those are the folks who are at least remotely interested in what you have to offer. Since purchases are an emotional buy, "following" people until they make an emotional decision often benefits you.
While you're considering this avenue, don't forget about Facebook's pixel that can present targeted information to people who have visited your website in the past.
Websites with banner ads often are inexpensive from an advertising perspective. Look for industry experts with websites or online personal pages (like blogs or private online communities) where your ideal demographic hangs out. If they have ads on their site, ask them about their ad policy. They may also have newsletter ad opportunities or may accept advertorials/sponsored content. While the latter falls more under marketing, it can be very valuable in reaching your ideal audience.
Ask for details about the website's demographics and click-throughs and what you get for your advertising money.
Finally, it's important to understand that hard sells aren't appreciated by anyone. Clever slogans may get noticed in Super Bowl ads and commercial awards shows but your customers are looking for sources that will help them know, like, and trust the person they're buying from. You need your advertising to be focused on helping and not disrupting your audience. You do this by answering questions and solving problems that they care about.