The chamber nation logo is a powerful member management and growth company.


    We've been building incredible solutions for the new normal for many months. It's time to start calling on businesses again and they are going to like what they hear from you. Please look through each of these banners (starting with Chamber Recovery) and we think you are going to be pleasantly surprised.

    A sign that says chamber recovery on it

    A sign that says chamber meetings with a thumbs up

    A sign that says chamber checkout with a thumbs up

    A sign that says member class room with a thumbs up

    A sign that says chamber sponsor on it

    PLEASE NOTE: The following information was from earlier customer updates. As of today 5/3/2020 we think the above banners are very important for you to click on and review. Each of these answer nearly all of your feedback and concerns to help you get going again. Chamber Nation is here during the pivot from normal to everything virtual even for your members and sponsors.  

    New Virtual Meeting Automation with ZOOM Integration.
    We Call it Chamber Meetings and it's FREE to our Customers.

    Learn More


    A sign that says chamber recovery with a thumbs up
    A sign that says chamber sponsor on it

    A red stamp that says important information on a white background.

    Easy way to see how much you will likely qualify for:

    PLEASE NOTE: Your team here at Chamber Nation is now working from their homes so our PHONE CALL PROCESS has changed. When you call you will need to leave a message and it will be converted into an email that is then sent out to our team members. For the best possible service, please use the ticketing system and request a call back or tell us how we can help you.  Thank You!

    Chamber Tools to Help You Now (so far)             

    Osage Chamber Iowa - Kati Henry has set up her Chamber Nation store to sell her member gift cards, but the Chamber prints and signs for delivery to buyers. If you would like to do this go to MMS configuration > Store > Turn it on > Load Member Logos and Information and Set Quantity to 100 or more. As always your team at Chamber Nation is here to help you. We noticed that they set a small $2.50 transaction fee (in configuration) to each item automatically that may cover all costs including any merchant account fees.

    Jill Rowland-Lagen who is the Executive Director from the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce contacted us to create a method for allowing "ALL" Community Businesses regardless if they are a member of the Chamber or not, to fill out a simple form in order to add their business to the OPEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY. We now have that nearly fully automated solution ready for you.

    Step One: Add the following special category to your category list manager " * Open Essential Businesses ".  "*" symbol is important so this new category show at the top of your member directory.

    Step Two: Send out link (system link 11.2.1) to all of your community businesses (even if not a member this will work and not impact your existing member records or cost).  You would be asking for all businesses who are open to fill out the form in order to notify the Chamber if they are open for business.

    Step Three: As you see these businesses loading up your LEADS area of your database, you can then assign one of your new "*Open" categories to them (manual task).


    **If you are an advanced user you can do these advanced steps yourself if you like: a.) mms configuration b.) prospecting c.) be sure under general options LOAD INQUIRIES INTO "LEAD" RECORD TYPES is turned on. d.) now SAVE at the bottom. e.) choose in mms configuration Member Directory. f.) open the area at bottom called RESPONSIVE DIRECTORY OPTIONS. g.) go the area called ALT MEMBER TYPES TO INCLUDE IN SEARCH and use your control key to choose all of your full member plans and also LEAD. h.) just below that area be sure to turn on ORDER MEMBERS BEFORE NON-MEMBERS. i.) choose save configuration at bottom and now you are ready to go. If you have any questions feel free to contact us as we want to help you. 

    Step Five: You can now use system link 1.6 (Bootstrap) to generate a directory for each of these new categories and place this on your "OUR COMMUNITY IS OPEN PAGE" you have added to your website.  Now you have a terrific way to update and promote ALL community businesses. For existing members just assign these new categories to their business and all will work on every directory. 

    Now you have an ideal way to let the community know that the Chamber is here for every business and citizen. Be sure to open a ticket if you need Chamber Nation assistance to further explain this process... we are happy to help you.  

    We have setup a function so that you can easily indicate which members are providing TAKE-OUT of their goods and services.

    Step One: Send out a survey to all of your members asking them if they are going to be offering TAKE-OUT of their products or services. 
    Step Two: From your member database ADD A CATEGORY called   * TAKE OUT OFFERED  Be sure to add the * asterisk in front so it stays at the top of your directory.
    Step Three: From your survey/other results for those that say yes, edit their member record to ADD CATEGORY called TAKE OUT OFFERED.
    Step Four: Send in a ticket telling us to setup (yourchambershortname).ChamberTakeOut.Com and we will take this new service live for you.   
    Step Five: You will be able to promote this _______.ChamberTakeOut.Com location for a automated directory of businesses offering take out in your community.

    We have setup a function so that you can easily indicate which members are providing delivery of their goods and services.

    Step One: Send out a survey to all of your members asking them if they are going to be offering delivery of their products or services. 
    Step Two: From your member database ADD A CATEGORY called * DELIVERY OFFERED   Be sure to add the * asterisk in front so it stays at the top of your directory.
    Step Three: From your survey/other results for those that say yes, edit their member record to ADD CATEGORY called DELIVERY OFFERED.
    Step Four: Send in a ticket telling us to setup (yourchambershortname).ChamberDelivery.Com and we will take this new service live for you.   
    Step Five: You will be able to promote this _______.ChamberDelivery.Com location for a automated directory of businesses delivering in your community.

    We know that there will be many of your members working from home... this is a terrific time for them to offer online presentations, training, and even support to the vast chamber community. With the Chamber promotion of this calendar, you might even move the general population into meeting with your members through their online meetings and more. 

    Step One: From your calendar admin area scroll to the bottom and add an event category called ONLINE EVENT.  
    Step Two: Send out to your members a link to your calendar (or system link 4.14) and ask them to submit their online events and choose this event type.
    Step Three: Send in a ticket telling us to setup  (yourchambershortname).ChamberOnlineEvents.Com and we will take this new service live for you.  
    Step Four: You will be able to promote this _______.ChamberOnlineEvents.Com location for an automated online events calendar for your entire community.

    Just like the service above, but in some cases you may want to use the term "Meetings" vs. "Events". In this case please follow these steps instead. 

    Step One: From your calendar admin area scroll to the bottom and add an event category called ONLINE MEETING.  
    Step Two: Send out to your members a link to your calendar (or system link 4.14) and ask them to submit their online events and choose this event type.
    Step Three: Send in a ticket telling us to setup (yourchambershortname).ChamberOnlineMeetings.Com and we will take this new service live for you.  
    Step Four: You will be able to promote this _______.ChamberOnlineMeetings.Com location for an automated online events calendar for your entire community.

    Online Meeting Services:
    Here are three online meeting services we have successfully used for many years that would be terrific for the Chamber and your members.

    FREE for presenter and one attendee:
    FREE for presenter and small group with 40 minute time limit:
    LOW COST for many participants plus records for later website playback: 

    ELECTRONIC BUSINESS CARD provided with your local membership (if on advanced member services program) 

    Providing members with tools and the documentation services in order to help promote commerce is at the heart of what we do. Membership organizations throughout the country hire our company to provide robust documentation and technology services to their members and community. Because this is a “provided with membership” service, Docu.Team never bills members for these services.

    Membership organizations know that their members need to promote their businesses electronically in a way that helps them generate new leads right away. 

    Where businesses are doing more-and-more online sales and communications, it is critical that members optimize their business cards to do a whole lot more. One of the many benefits includes a custom texting keyword and number. This becomes the member’s promotional address that they can easily advertise on their email signatures, car signs, websites, and social media.

    Additionally, the local membership organization will be promoting this through its online directory(s), mobile app, and via the provided member marketing landing pages.

    Aside from direct promotion, these cards will be indexed on all of the major search engines. Detailed monthly activity and return on investment (ROI) reports, provide proof of said activity.

    Electronic Business Functions
    • Instead of handing out a paper card, the member can explain that they would like to provide their electronic business card that has their products and services included.
    • They would simply have the person open their text message and then have them enter 72727 in the "to" line. In the text message itself, they can enter their own special texting keyword. We have a sample you can use by texting the word “CLICK”.
    • When that is done, the member will receive an email or text message, with the phone number of that potential customer.
    • Now the member can follow up via text message, email or phone call. Imagine a landscaper, when they are in the field, receiving a notification; they can immediately contact that interested prospect who may have seen this on his/her truck or in an advertisement.

    Electronic Business Card Features
    • May offer a one-time use local golden ticket as an incentive for customers to work with that business.
    • Presents their product and service groups in an attractive, image-based category list.
    • Presents CLICK TO CALL option direct to the member.
    • May have button added at no charge for those to provide Google or other reviews.
    • About Us section so they can explain something important about their business.
    • Area app directory button connecting this visitor with the entire community of member apps.  

    With Chamber email open rates going way up it might be a good time to activate your INCLUDED legislative action center.

    Here is how it works:

    This module is not enabled by default, let us know if you want to use this.

    Once enabled, you will need to edit/maintain a list of legislators. This is done from within Member Database Admin, house members and senate members are two special record types that you will see in the view drop-down.

    To set up an legislative item, log-in, then look for Legislative Action in the right column under admin functions.

    Enter the name of the Action Item (the issue at hand), begin and end dates, the details about the requests (why people should contact their legislator) then the suggested subject and message text, house/senate/both, multiple selection (whether you want people to be able to send to multiple legislators), limited members (if it’s just a few legislators that need to be lobbied, select them).

    When you’re done entering the action item, click on Submit. It will show up in the list, along with a url you can use to promote the action item. You can post this url on your website or send out in an email to your contacts.

     As people respond, the system will track who has contacted which legislator.

    Submit a ticket to support and we will be happy to activate this for you.

    Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

    Health and government officials are working together to maintain the safety, security, and health of the American people. Small businesses are encouraged to do their part to keep their employees, customers, and themselves healthy.

    Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program

    The SBA will work directly with state Governors to provide targeted, low-interest loans to small businesses and non-profits that have been severely impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan program provides small businesses with working capital loans of up to $2 million that can provide vital economic support to small businesses to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue they are experiencing. 
    • Find more information on the SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans at:

    Shared Guidance for Businesses and Employers.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers the most up-to-date information on COVID-19. This interim guidance is based on what is currently known about the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For updates from CDC, please see the following:

    The following interim guidance may help prevent workplace exposures to acute respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, in non-healthcare settings. The guidance also provides planning considerations if there are more widespread, community outbreaks of COVID-19.

    To prevent stigma and discrimination in the workplace, use the guidance described below and on the CDC’s Guidance for Businesses and Employers web page.

    Below are recommended strategies for employers to use now. In-depth guidance is available on the CDC’s Guidance for Businesses and Employers web page:

    • Actively encourage sick employees to stay home
    • Separate sick employees
    • Emphasize staying home when sick, respiratory etiquette, and hand hygiene by all employees
    • Perform routine environmental cleaning
    • Advise employees before traveling to take certain steps
      • Check the CDC’s Traveler’s Health Notices for the latest guidance and recommendations for each country to which you will travel. Specific travel information for travelers going to and returning from designated countries with risk of community spread of Coronavirus, and information for aircrew, can be found on the CDC website.
    • Additional Measures in Response to Currently Occurring Sporadic Importations of the COVID-19:
      • Employees who are well but who have a sick family member at home with COVID-19 should notify their supervisor and refer to CDC guidance for how to conduct a risk assessment of their potential exposure.
      • If an employee is confirmed to have COVID-19, employers should inform fellow employees of their possible exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace but maintain confidentiality as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Employees exposed to a co-worker with confirmed COVID-19 should refer to CDC guidance for how to conduct a risk assessment of their potential exposure.

    Common Issues Small Businesses May Encounter:
    • Capital Access – Incidents can strain a small business's financial capacity to make payroll, maintain inventory and respond to market fluctuations (both sudden drops and surges in demand). Businesses should prepare by exploring and testing their capital access options so they have what they need when they need it. See SBA’s capital access resources.
    • Workforce Capacity – Incidents have just as much impact on your workers as they do your clientele. It’s critical to ensure they have the ability to fulfill their duties while protected.
    • Inventory and Supply Chain Shortfalls – While the possibility could be remote, it is a prudent preparedness measure to ensure you have either adequate supplies of inventory for a sustained period and/or diversify your distributor sources in the event one supplier cannot meet an order request.
    • Facility Remediation/Clean-up Costs – Depending on the incident, there may be a need to enhance the protection of customers and staff by increasing the frequency and intensity by which your business conducts cleaning of surfaces frequently touched by occupants and visitors. Check your maintenance contracts and supplies of cleaning materials to ensure you can meet increases in demand.
    • Insurance Coverage Issues – Many businesses have business interruption insurance.  Now is the time to contact your insurance agent to review your policy to understand precisely what you are and are not covered for in the event of an extended incident.
    • Changing Market Demand – Depending on the incident, there may be access controls or movement restrictions established which can impede your customers from reaching your business. Additionally, there may be public concerns about public exposure to an incident and they may decide not to go to your business out of concern of exposing themselves to greater risk. SBA’s Resources Partners and District Offices have trained experts who can help you craft a plan specific to your situation to help navigate any rapid changes in demand.
    • Marketing – It’s critical to communicate openly with your customers about the status of your operations, what protective measures you’ve implemented, and how they (as customers) will be protected when they visit your business. Promotions may also help incentivize customers who may be reluctant to patronize your business.
    • Plan – As a business, bring your staff together and prepare a plan for what you will do if the incident worsens or improves. It’s also helpful to conduct a tabletop exercise to simulate potential scenarios and how your business management and staff might respond to the hypothetical scenario in the exercise. For examples of tabletop exercises, visit FEMA’s website at:
    A red stamp that says important information on a white background.

    Uber Eats waives delivery fees for independent restaurants during COVID-19 pandemic
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